
Links til artiklerne i udsendelsen:

Dansk major om ufoer: 'Vi skal ikke diskutere, om der flyver noget rundt. Det gør der'

SpaceX Wins More NASA Flights as Boeing Starliner Stumbles

Højteknologisk sovepose skal hjælpe astronauter med at undgå øjenproblemer

Bezos' Blue Origin completes third passenger spaceflight

Space law hasn’t been changed since 1967 – but the UN aims to update laws and keep space peaceful

Store mængder vand fundet i Mars’ Grand Canyo

Boeing plans to launch its Starliner spacecraft to the International Space Station in May 2022

China’s new rocket for crewed moon missions to launch around 2026

Is it possible to use wind farms on Mars?

Kina og Elon Musk på kollisionskurs

Podcast: The Moon: Why Are We Really Going Back?

Podcast: ESA BIC: En affyringsrampe for rum-startups

Podcast: Artemis Progress

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